Sunday, April 28, 2013

Benefits Of Having A Good Autoresponder In Your Online Business

"Following up and keeping contact with people who are interested in your business is crucial to your online success"...

Having a good autorespnder in this business will help you grow your online profits. Not having a good autoresponder only limits the growth of your business. 

Just like you can't have a lawn service without a lawn mower, it would be very difficult for you to be successful in an online business without an autoresponder. It's a must have tool and should be one of the first things that you invest in when starting any online business. 

An autoresponder helps you build your list and keep in contact with people who have showed interest in your business opportunity. Following up and keeping contact with people who are interested in your business is crucial to your online success

Let's just be real. A lot of people are not going to sign up for your opportunity right away with you. An autoresponder is the tool you need because it saves you time by consistently sending emails that you create yourself trying to get that person into your business. 

Statistics show that it can take you up to 10 contacts before getting that person to sign up with your business opportunity. So an autoresponder will help you be consistent with following up with your prospects.

Once you begin to use a autoresponder you will really see the benefit of it and will see that it is a must have tool to help increase your online profits. There are many companies out there that offer some pretty good autoresponders you can use for your business. 

Remember to pick the one that best fits you and is beneficial to your business. Do your research to find the autoresponder that is perfect for you so you can be able to use it to truly have success in your business. 

There are many other tools out there that you can utilize to increase success in your online business but my suggestion is to get an autoresponder first because I consider it as a necessity and not a option for increasing your online profits. 

If you are serious about being successful in this competitive industry then you’re going to make the investment of getting this tool today. Click Here

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online, simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:

If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Saturday, April 27, 2013

5 Reasons Why You Should Use A Classified Ad Submission Service To Submit Your Classified Ads

Do You Have TIME To Submit Your Ads To Over 500,000 Sites?

"TIME Is At Once The Most Valuable And The Most Perishable Of All Our Possessions"...John Randolph

If you're submitting each of your classified ads by hand, you're wasting valuable TIME and essentially MONEY. 

Instead, you should consider using a classified ad submission service to submit your ads. 
Doing so offers many benefits, from streamlining the process to a greater chance of ad approval. 

Here, we'll look over the Top 5 Reasons why you should use a classified ad submission service.

1. Using A Classified Ad Submission Service SAVES YOU TIME! 

Classified ads are one of the most effective ways to drive traffic and generate sales.

As opposed to traditional web adverts, visitors who search through classified ads are already
in the buying mentality, meaning they are more likely to purchase something than people just surfing for information.

2. If You Use A Classified Ad Submission Service Your Ads Will Be Automatically Re-Submitted When They Rotate Off The Advertising Boards

There are several pitfalls many people face when submitting classified ads by hand, one of which is the run-length. Depending on the service, most classified ads expire after a 30-day period. Once that period it up, you have to manually renew or create a new ad. 

For some, this might not be a problem, but when you're forced to manually renew hundreds of ads every so often, it can become a serious time-consuming issue. A legitimate classified ad submission service will handle all the renewing necessary to keep your ads running as long as you want. If you no longer want them to run, you can have the service hold off on that as well.

3. A Classified Ad Submission Service Can Help You Create Valuable Backlinks To Your Site

No one knows the magic formula to achieving top search engine rankings, but most will agree that backlinks are one of the most important factors. In fact, it's proven that both the number of backlinks and the quality of sites they come from are two factors which greatly affect your authority and rankings in the search engines.

A classified submission service can achieve this by generating tons of backlinks on high-traffic classified ad websites. These backlinks will not only generate traffic from shoppers clicking the link, but your website will naturally rank higher in the search engines, allowing you to see more visitors overall.

4. Classified Ad Submissions Get Your Ad In Front Of Prospects Who Are In A Buying Mentality

No matter what type of product or service your website offers, you need traffic in order to be successful. There are dozens of way to get traffic to your website, but you'll find most are either too expensive or junk traffic.

Ever see those advertisements from traffic brokers offering 5,000 visitors for $19.99?
Most of these places slam you with low-quality traffic might not even be a real human visitor. This is why nearly 90% of customers who purchase this type of bulk traffic don't return for another purchase.

5. A Classified Ad Submission Service Is A High-Quality Low-Cost Alternative To Pay Per Click Advertising

Many new advertisers try their luck with Google Adwords. Their pay-per-click (PPC) program is one of the oldest and best in the industry, serving millions of advertisers worldwide. But while their traffic is high-qualityit's oftentimes too expensive unless you you're a company with deep pockets. 

Depending on the keyword(s) and position you're targeting, you could see prices as much as $2 or $3 per click. Rack up a couple hundred clicks a day and that's one pricey advertising bill.

A classified ad submission service offers high-quality traffic at a low cost. If you're currently spending hundred per month on Adwords or other advertising programs, think of the money you'll save by switching to classified ads.

If you would like to submit your classified ad to over 550,000 advertising sites per month on auto-pilot Click Here

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online, simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:

If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Friday, April 26, 2013

Do Something To Grow Your Business Daily

Creating a successful online business can be a complicated task. But you can't make progress just by turning it over and over in your head. The only way to see progress in your business ONLY by TAKING ACTION everyday.  

No matter what, make sure you're doing something on a daily basis to further build your business.  If you're not, you're fooling yourself and selling yourself short.  No business, whether online or offline, becomes successful without having focus daily and making progress.

I can remember when I first started in this business.  The success I have accomplished so far only looked like the impossible when I first started. I made a commitment to focus on making progress on a daily basis and that is what I have done.

"Success Is Steady Progress Toward One's Personal Goals"...Jim Rohn

With that being said, what is it can you do to make progress daily and make sure your business see growth? Here are 5 key ideas:

1. Educate Yourself On How To Become A Better Marketer

Educating yourself and learning different ways to become a better marketer should be on your to-do list on a daily basis.  The internet is filled with tons of FREE information that you can Google that will help you become a better marketer.  

Write down a list of online and offline marketing strategies.  Notice the strategies that you are not too familiar with and begin to educate yourself about that particular strategy.  Some strategies may take more time to master than others but the key here is to make progress daily.  

"Education Is The Key To Unlock The Golden Door Of Freedom"...George Washington Carver

2. Follow Up With Your Recent Prospects

Implementing some sort of follow up plan is NOT AN OPTION, IT'S A NECESSITY in this business. Majority of people are not impulse buyers and don't expect them to be. You must be proactive and make follow up calls or send out follow up emails to continually to communicate with your prospects.  

Every successful business has a follow up marketing plan. Studies show that it may take up to 4-10 follow ups before someone joins your business opportunity or purchase your product.  So make up your duty to follow up with those prospects who have showed interest in your opportunity or product.

3.  Check Up On Your Affiliates/Downline

Network Marketing can be a complicated business, especially for newbies. In a business where the majority of your affiliates won't last past 90 days, it is very beneficial that you keep in contact with your team. 

Even if it's nothing but sending motivational emails, training, and tips, communicating with your team is very important to your online business success. This also helps keep your team together.  Everyone needs motivation from time to time, even successful leaders. 

"Success In This Industry Isn't In Finding The Best Person, But In Turning Into The Right Person"...Mike Dillard

4.  Place A Classified or Other Type of Ad

You want to continue to work and get exposure for your business. Classified ad submission still works! Thousands of potential buyers scour the online classified ads each day for products and services.  You want to have your ads listed with as many classified ads sites as possible. The problem is that it is tedious and time consuming submitting and resubmitting your ad to the appropriate categories and subcategories each week. 

Every site has a different set of criteria it seems which makes submitting ads a very frustrating experience for most people. Most advertisers never reach their full potential with classified ad advertising because of the time and effort it takes to constantly post ads. 

There are a few good classified submission services, such as Classified Submissions, you can invest in for as little as $1.29 per day that will post your ads on a monthly basis. Click Here For More Info

"Nothing Happens Until Someone Sell Something"...Mary Kay Ash

5. Proactive Prospecting Approach

Being proactive is important in this business. What do I mean by proactive? Being proactive is taking the initiative to contact potential prospects about your business opportunity or product. Don't just sit and wait for someone to contact you. 

Majority of successful businesses implement a proactive approach in their marketing strategies on a daily basis.  Pick up the phone and make calls to leads and potential prospects.  The more people you talk to and get your opportunity in front of on a daily basis, the more success you will have at recruiting. 

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online, simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:


If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rippln Review: Get Paid To Give Away FREE Global Apps?

I'm sure you've witnessed the substantial growth of mobile apps in recent months. Studies revealed that more than half (50.4%) of U.S. mobile subscribers own smartphones. As the number of smartphone owners rise, so does the popularity of  mobile apps. 

Majority of these mobile app companies have taken it to the next level by implementing a business opportunity model to their programs. Mobile Apps are the thing of the future and nearly every company has their own mobile app nowadays.

Over the past week or so I was getting a lot of invites to join this new mobile app site called Rippln; a Gamification, Social Networking and Mobile Connections App.  The mobile, apps, and gamification industries are huge growth sectors that are sucking up hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital.

This new mobile app has created a tremendous buzz online making promises to pay all of its affiliates just for simply sharing and engaging in their new platform.

Here are a couple videos that briefly explains what is Rippln?

Now can't you see the income potential if you received some type of small compensation for all of those referrals?

All you have to do is invite people to Rippln with a "invite only" access code to become fans of the platform and the goal is to eventually get those fans to eventually get them to be players.

Who Is Behind Rippln?

Brian Underwood is the CEO of Rippln and he is also being endorsed by big names such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jonathan Budd, Russell Brunson, just to name a few. These are big time players in the mlm, affiliate marketing, and work from home industry.

Think about it...I don't think these men would attach their name and reputations to something like Rippln if it wasn't a good opportunity.

The only way you can join is free but you must be given an invite code from a current fan and you must be willing to sign an NDA or None-Disclosure Agreement.

Even though there have been other app companies who have promised great things, who knows, maybe this one is different. Besides, there are some big names endorsing Rippln.

To Get A Private Invite, Fill Out The Form Below!

Remember: Ripplin Is FREE But You Must Have An Invite Code To Get Started!!!

Request For A Ripplin Invite Code

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4 Killer Components When Developing A Successful Online Presence

Developing an online presence for your business can be challenging. Not only search engines have changed but the way people are using the internet has changed over years as well. As you work to create a successful online presence for your business, it is important that you adapt to the way the internet functions today. 

There once was a time where the only thing you needed was a few simple brochures and really no activity on your website and you was ok. Now you need to focus on building a webpage that has a interactive online presence that will attract prospective clients and customer service. 

Here are 4 key components you absolutely need when developing a successul online presence: Interactive Website, Content Marketing, Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Interactive Website
The first key to developing a successful online presence is to have a interactive website. A interactive website is a site that engages with your potential customers. Having interactive website can be having things such as games, puzzles, tools, etc that helps your personal customer to engage with your website. 

With blogs such as WordPress And Blogspot, there is no reason that your website should be desolate or stale. Don't allow your website to limit you. Keep it fresh, up to date and growing with the changes within your industry. 

Content Marketing
I know you hear it constantly but I'm a say it again. Content is king and it's even more important today than it was before. Content marketing is all about sharing information about your industry and your business to your target market

Content plays a vital role in getting ranked in search engines and it also helps to build credibility and trust with those that are interested in what you have to offer. Even though this marketing takes time, it is one of the powerful tools in marketing online.

Search Marketing
Search marketing is important because it helps people find you in the search engines. Studies show that 92% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web. Where do your website rank in the search engine when people are searching your targeted keywords? It's true that the search engine marketing game has changed, but for small businesses that are local I believe it's to their benefit.

When people search using Google, the most popular search engine local results will now often top national results, but you still have to be there. Are you there? Do you even know? Google your targeted keywords and see for yourself. If not, this is something you should take serious, because it means your target market is finding your competitors not you.

Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing works and is still a great avenue to marketing your business through. The key to social media marketing is to constantly be active on all of your social media outlets. Don't let your social media page be stagnant. 

Always interact on all of your social media pages. Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, and Google Plus are some of the top social media sites to have profiles on. Incorporating a good social media marketing plan is beneficial to being successful with social media marketing. 

These four key components to a successful online presence are important when expanding your business online. There are other startegies out there but try and focus on starting with these four key components and see your social media presence increase rapidly. 

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online, simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:


If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Attraction Marketing: The Secret To Having Your Prospects Running To What You Have To Offer!

Attraction marketing is powerful when used properly. It is a method used to draw your potential prospects towards you. Most successful multi-level marketers use attraction marketing techniques specifically designed to teach the customer how a service/product will benefit them before they make a purchase. Attraction marketing means you no longer have to seek for people to sell your product to.

Whether it's educational material they need or well written articles on subjects that are beneficial to them, your prospects will come running to you because you have something they want. It is a method used  to propel like-minded business prospects in order to connect them with your product or services. It's all about branding You. 

Attraction marketing has been around for years but with increase in social networking, this method of marketing is becoming more important by the day. The key is to provide value to those who need and will be drawn to you. Using attraction marketing draws those people you want to attract to your products/services. 

One of the keys to being successful with attraction marketing is you must have a giver mentality. Your focus should be to provide enough of what you have to offer so that people who actually do want what you have to offer will come back for more allowing you to build a solid trustworthy relationship. Building a positive outlook and having confidence and a willingness to lead are the ones who are successful with this powerful method of marketing. 

Learning what your target market wants and needs, and giving that value freely and without want is the key to being successful with Attraction Marketing. The goal is to get people to opt in to an email list by offering information that will help them build their business. This allows you to build trust and value with their email list. Once trust is established you can then distribute your product offers, which will create an additional stream of income. The other goal is to present your home business opportunity once you have established yourself as a person of value, increasing the chances of people joining your home based business.

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:


If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Saturday, April 6, 2013

6 Key Secrets To Effective Email Marketing!

What is email marketing? Email marketing can be a very effective method if used properly. And No, I'm not talking about just uploading emails into your blaster and sending some generic message to 10,000 email addresses in hopes that something sticks. I'm talking about a more strategic and well planned strategy of sending out emails to your prospects or potential customers... 

This strategy I'm going to explain to you is a proven and effective method to in getting the most out of email marketing...

Here are 6 key secrets to effective email marketing...

Secret # 1:  Subject Line Is Gold

The subject line is the most important part of the email. Writing a compelling subject line should be your first priority in email marketing. The purpose of this compelling subject line is to get your email opened. If the email don't get opened than you can't make any sales. If you don't make any sales than you pretty much don't have a business. That's how important this is.

Tips For Coming Up With Subject Lines That Get Opened:

1.  Use "HOW TO" 
Example: How to write compelling email subject lines? How to persuade your prospect to take action?

2.  Secrets, Key, Ways
Example:  5 Key Secrets To Effective Email Marketing. 7 Key Strategies To Closing Sales, 6 Ways To Get Referrals From Happy Customers?

3.  Use Compelling Questions
Example:  Are you one of these bootleg marketers? Are you spamming links like a chipmunk on crack?

4.  Personalize
Example:  Hey Chris, This Might Interest You.  Hey Tammy, This Will Boost Your Business Sales.

5.  Off The Wall-Weird
Example: There are zombies under my bed (This is used with storytelling)

6.  Benefit
Example: Make Thousands With This Cash Generating Marketing Method

Secret # 2:  You Are Contacting Real People-Make It Personal

Your emails MUST, MUST, MUST, be personal. This is very important. By making your emails personal, you are going to get a better result out of your email marketing campaign.  Sending a generic email versus including your prospect's name in the email will effect the results you gets. So making your emails personal is the key.

Secret # 3:  Sending Text Emails Are More Effective

Text emails get opened at a higher rate than html.  You want to make sure your emails look like a text email. This is not the time to be sending out emails with killer designs, crazy elephants, etc.  The fancy html emails are not bad emails but when email prospecting, you want to use plain text emails to make it easier for your prospects to open and read. Now fancy html emails are good to send to existing customers, family, friends, etc.  

Secret # 4:  Be Consistent

You need to send out your emails on a consistent basis. You need to decide on a schedule and stick to it.  Majority of the top marketers send out their emails on a daily basis.  That seems like a lot right? It is a lot if all you are sending out is sales pitch after sales pitch. The key here is to deliver valuable content and things that would be beneficial to the receiver of your emails.  At least send out a email once a week.  People will actually be looking forward to receiving your emails. 

Secret # 5:  Tell Stories

Telling stories in your emails have proven to be a very effective method.  Entertain your reader. Of course you want to provide valuable content in your emails, but it's how you present that content that makes a difference.  You want to tie in your connect with a story which keeps your reader entertained. This takes practice!

Secret # 6:  Don't Forget The P.S.

Studies have shown that majority of people read the subject line and skip directly to the P.S. The P.S should be either a summary of something you mentioned in the email or a "Call To Action".  The P.S. is a great place to sell or recap on a key point in your email. For example, let's say you send out a email about "5 Online Marketing Strategies That Get Results". And one of the strategies was "Video Marketing". The P.S. would say something like this: "Video marketing is a strategy used by success Internet Marketers. For more information about a good video marketing service click HERE

If you need assistance with your online marketing or need someone to show you the ropes to becoming successful online, simply fill out the form below to opt in to my newsletters:


If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog post updates. Feel free to leave a comment and share with your friends and followers.

Much Success,

Marcus Tanner
P.S.  Exclusive And Unique Products EVERY Online Marketer Can't Survive Without  Click Here

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pure Leverage Ferrari F430 Spider Giveaway In April - Only $1 To Get Started

This is unheard of folks. Joel Therien, owner of GVO/Pure Leverage is giving away a $240,000 Ferrari F-430 Spider In April. This is major because it has never been done before in the history of Network Marketing. 

Pure Leverage is only on it's 2nd month since prelaunching in March and Joel is already giving away a Ferrari F-430 Spider. Unbelievable!

Joel Therien announced in last week's conference meeting and stated that whoever is on the leader board at the end of April 2013 will receive the Ferrari. 

You don't see these types of giveaways in the Network Marketing industry. Now I have personally seen trips, ipads, cash giveaways, and cruise giveaways but not something of this value. AMAZING!

It's not too late to get involved. If you want the opportunity to take advantage in this giveaway Click Here to learn more about Pure Leverage. It's ONLY $1 to get started! Go ahead and get started so you can begin working your way towards the top of the board. The earlier you get in, the better!

Joel Therien, Owner of Pure Leverage Announces The Ferrari Giveaway 

What Exactly Is Pure Leverage?

Pure Leverage is a revolutionary new system designed to help business owners and network marketers succeed and make money online.  This is the perfect tool for a professional in need of generating leads to generate additional income.

Pure Leverage is a great business for everybody. No matter if you are a seasoned veteran in this business or just starting out.

Pure Leverage provides you with a autoresponder service better than Aweber, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp or any other autoresponder out there today! 

I used to have a membership with Aweber but when you factor in the cost of Aweber ($29.95 for only 1000 leads), with Pure Leverage you get Over 10,000 lead service, video email service, conference room where you can invite over 100 people, traffic generation, elite coaching/training, plus much more.

And you get all of this with Pure Leverage for only $24.95 monthly, $1 7 day trial and a 30 day money back guarantee. Amazing!!!

Click Here if you wanna learn more about Pure Leverage!

Why Should You Join Pure Leverage?

Joining Pure Leverage will not only give you a chance to win the Ferrari F430 Spider and give you top cutting edge tools that every internet marketer should have for their business, but it also pays 100% commissions on all the people you refer when you become a reseller with Pure Leverage. 

Hold tight because it gets even better....

You also get 50% residual each month on your direct referral memberships as long as they stay active. 

You also get 50% CHECK MATCHING BONUS on all your direct referrals. Unbelievable!


Let's say 6 of your referrals made $2000 in a month. 

That's a total of $12,000 combined earnings made by those 6 referrals: YOU WOULD RECEIVE A $6000 (50% Commission) CHECK MATCHING BONUS!



So you see why don't want to hesitate on getting started?

Take a look at Pure Leverage. Click the link HERE.  Put your email address in and watch the video.  This company is amazing and you can get started today for $1.00 trial.

The earlier you get in, the better chance you have at winning that gorgeous Ferrari F430 Spider. 

I bet you can imagine yourself driving and showing that off to your family and friends!

See you inside!

Much Success, 

Marcus Tanner